A Modern Painting by Wei Wenfeng (Chinese, 1949) mounted as a Scroll


A Modern Painting by Wei Wenfeng (Chinese, 1949) mounted as a Scroll
Painting of a bird in a bamboo shoot dated 2014. Wei Wenfeng is a member of the Chinese Artist Association and a director of the Beijing Arts Association.

with calligraphy as follows:

Characters: 竹趣
魏文峰画(down right part)
甲午年金秋月(down left part)

Pin yin : Zhu Qu
Wei Wenfeng Hua
Jia Wu Nian Jin Qiu Yue

Translation: bamboo fun
Painted by Wei Wenfeng
October in the year of Jia Wu

Characters in the 1st seal: 魏氏

Pinyin: Wei Shi

Translation: Mr. Wei

Characters of the 2nd seal: 文峰印

Pinyin: Wenfeng yin

Translation: seal of Wenfeng
Place of Origin: China

Materials: paper and silk frame

Condition: very good color and condition.

http://www.mjingpin.com/Article.asp?id=534 [1]
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4aa3f04901000cu3.html [2]
https://baike.baidu.com/pic/%E9%AD%8F%E6%96%87%E5%B3%B0/15807412/1354078/f11f3a292df5e0fee872a283556034a85fdf72cd?fr=lemma&ct=cover#aid=1354078&pic=c8177f3e6709c93de7982575963df8dcd00054cd [3]

China 20th c.Reference number: sa133